The Drawbridge Ministry exists to minister to those who minister to others.
The ministry finds its’ basis in the Biblical principal from 1 Timothy 5:17 “The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.”
The Drawbridge has a strong foundation in honoring called and ordained pastors and their spouses by providing retreats at no cost for these Christian Leaders. We have provided 2-3 night retreats and have cared for hundreds of guests since January 2017. The Drawbridge seeks ways to not only honor those who preach and teach, but to double honor them as they carry out the work of preaching the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
The Drawbridge serves pastors by providing a safe, listening ear as they are able to share challenges in ministry, and receive love, care and prayers, as, many times, the load is heavy.
The ministry assists pastors in taking time for rest and renewal. The retreats are non-structured to allow pastoral couples to have the time, space and place to rest, reconnect, recharge and return to the ministry to which they have been called. A healthy leader equates to a healthy church, and in these days, it is vital that our spiritual leaders have time and a place to rest.
The impact of Pastoral Care Ministries is more than blessing and honoring the pastoral couple, it impacts their entire church as well. While the Drawbridge has directly blessed and served hundreds of pastoral couples, the extended result is tens of thousands of people within their congregations being blessed as their pastor has received time to rest and recharge for ministry.
Take a look at what our guests are saying.
The Ministry is currently searching for a new retreat location and is honoring pastoral couples through direct ministry and assistance in providing a retreat for them.